911 N. ELM, SUITE 230, HINSDALE, IL 60521
Home Remedies To Try If a Nighttime Toothache Strikes
January 7, 2022

If you’ve ever found yourself with an aching tooth late at night, the chances are, you’ve probably also found yourself frantically scouring the internet for toothache home remedies. If you’re experiencing tooth pain, it’s more than likely your body’s way of telling you that something isn’t right, so while home remedies may provide some temporary […]


The diet and lifestyle choices you make each day affect your systemic health, and they also determine how healthy your teeth are. If you feel as if the condition of your teeth always seems to be less than perfect every time you leave routine dental cleanings and exams, it may be time to re-evaluate your […]

Is Osteoporosis Affecting Your Dental Health?
December 7, 2021

If you have osteoporosis, your body suffers from extremely fragile and less dense bones. While the leading cause of osteoporosis is aging, other factors include menopause and lack of Vitamin D and calcium. This severe health condition dramatically affects the bones and has a negative relationship with your oral and dental health. If you have […]


The thought of losing a tooth probably isn’t one you think of often unless your dentist has uttered the words “gum disease” to you during a routine dental exam. However, gum disease isn’t the only risk factor to watch for when aiming to prevent tooth loss. By being proactive with preventative dentistry, you can keep […]

Treatment Hacks For Anyone New To Invisalign
November 19, 2021

When you first start Invisalign treatment, your daily routine will need a few subtle adjustments to make your treatment successful. The overall Invisalign treatment process is simple, straightforward, and takes relatively minimal effort to achieve a new, straighter smile you’re proud to show off. Here’s a list of our favorite Invisalign treatment hacks for anyone […]

Never Attempt DIY Teeth Straightening: Here’s Why
November 4, 2021

Clear aligners, like Invisalign, are one of the most popular ways for teens and adults to straighten their teeth discreetly. Invisalign is an excellent alternative to traditional metal brackets and wires because the treatment offers a comfortable, visually appealing way to straighten your teeth in a fraction of the time. Because the Invisalign process is […]


In your teen years, you watch as classmates get their braces to fix their crooked teeth and stare in awe when the day comes their straight, braces-free smile is revealed. As an adult, perhaps you are just as envious now as you were then when you see someone with a perfectly straight smile while yours […]

Early Warning Signs of Gum Disease
September 29, 2021

Periodontal disease, or gum disease, is an infection in the gum tissue caused by poor oral hygiene. When left untreated, it can lead to deterioration of the jawbone and eventually tooth loss. There are several early warning signs of gum disease. Knowing what to watch for is the key to ensuring you help keep your […]

How To Whiten Sensitive Teeth At Home
September 7, 2021

Social media platforms make it seem as if achieving a bright, white smile is easy to do while only using common household ingredients. While it is somewhat true that you can lighten your teeth by several shades from the comforts of home, it’s not safe or recommended to dig through your pantry to make it […]


When it comes to the removal of wisdom teeth, it seems as though there is a specific set age that dentists recommend they be removed. While all people are different, the most important thing to remember about wisdom tooth removal is that they should be removed before they begin to cause issues with other surrounding […]


If you’ve always been less than in love with the appearance of your smile, you’ve likely thought of cosmetic dentistry treatments and how they could potentially transform your teeth. If your teeth aren’t necessarily crooked, but they are perhaps small, various extreme shapes, or even stained, Invisalign or braces won’t solve these issues. By taking […]

5 Affordable Cosmetic Dentistry Treatments For Anyone
August 10, 2021

Cosmetic dentistry treatments are a fast, easy, and affordable way to transform the way you feel about your smile. Cosmetic dentistry gives patients the unique ability to correct both minor and major flaws in their smile by significantly improving the appearance of their teeth. If you’re unhappy with little details about your teeth, cosmetic dentistry […]

Botox Treatments For Managing Chronic Pain
July 20, 2021

Before Botox injections were widely known for reducing fine lines and wrinkles, Botox was mainly used for managing chronic pain. The history of this versatile injection has proven to show how adaptable and effective this treatment can be. From managing back and nerve pain to helping patients suffering from TMJ, Botox has many uses and […]

5 Common Oral Health Mistakes Adults Make
July 6, 2021

By the time you’re an adult, you’ve logged a significant amount of hours into brushing and flossing your teeth. However, proper brushing and flossing only go so far when your diet and other oral habits are lacking. Adults make many common mistakes when it comes to the care of their teeth and gums, which is […]

What Are Your Taste Buds Telling You?
June 13, 2021

Your taste buds allow you to recognize various tastes, from sweet to sour. Every person has roughly 10,000 taste buds that line the tongue, and each taste bud has between 10-50 sensory cells connected to your body’s nerve fibers. Taste buds are microscopic, which means you should not feel them, but sometimes your taste buds […]

What To Expect During An Oral Cancer Screening
June 13, 2021

Your dentist has likely begun to perform oral cancer screenings during routine exams due to increased oral cancer cases. This straightforward screening catches problematic tissues as early as possible, and early detection makes successful cancer treatments much more likely. If you’re feeling a little nervous about what to expect during an oral cancer screening, don’t […]


The out-of-pocket costs of complex dental treatments are something to consider before committing to any procedure. This is true for all cosmetic dentistry treatments but especially significant with a complex procedure like dental implant placement. Planning ahead will help you avoid any unexpected costs along the way, and knowing exactly what is covered under your […]

Treatments For Closing Gaps Between Teeth
May 13, 2021

A gap between your teeth can be considered a characteristic of your personality and something you love about your smile. However, if that little detail bothers you about the appearance of your teeth, or if it makes you feel self-conscious, a little cosmetic dentistry can go a long way to restore your confidence in your […]

10 Long-Term Dental Implant Benefits
April 13, 2021

Missing one or more teeth can significantly affect your dental health. Over time, the gap left behind can make you feel self-conscious about your smile, and it can also cause other surrounding teeth to shift. Even if you’re missing a tooth that isn’t in a prominent place, there are many reasons why you should still […]

What Happens After Finishing Invisalign Treatments
April 9, 2021

Invisalign is the most popular way for adults and teens to straighten misaligned teeth without the use of pesky and embarrassing brackets and wires. First introduced in 1997, Invisalign aligners offer a less invasive, almost invisible alternative to traditional braces while offering the same results. Invisalign is ideal for busy adults because treatments don’t require […]

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