911 N. ELM, SUITE 230, HINSDALE, IL 60521


How to Prevent Jaw Pain on a Daily Basis
June 1, 2017

There’s a lot to remember when caring for your teeth each day. You need to brush twice and floss once. You need to eat right and get the right nutrients for your teeth and overall oral health. You should avoid using your teeth as tools and wear a night guard if you have problems with grinding. And you should also be cognizant of how your actions are affecting your jaw.

Your jaw allows you to eat, speak, chew and smile naturally and comfortably. When it’s not working properly, you notice immediately – and you’re desperate to get comfortable again. But making a few changes to your daily life will help you soothe existing jaw pain and prevent fresh discomfort from taking hold.

We’re here to help you with any dental problem that arises, including jaw pain. If your jaw is feeling stiff, sore, or otherwise giving you trouble, get in touch today.

Infographic: How to Prevent TMJ Pain

Hinsdale Jaw Pain Infographic

Making Sure Your Jaw Stays Healthy

There are many reasons why patients develop sore jaws, and unique ways that they can get comfortable again. While there are certain things you can figure out at home, it’s crucial that you continue seeing your dentist regularly so that you can get an expert opinion when there’s pain or another concern. Jaw pain shouldn’t become a regular part of your life. It not only causes discomfort, irritability, difficulties eating, and loss of sleep, but can be a symptom of a larger problem. If you have an abscess or are experiencing jaw dysfunction, only treatment will help you move past that.

Don’t hesitate to schedule an exam if you’ve been experiencing any jaw pain! Treatment options like orthodontic treatment or a TMJ splint will help you find relief.


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