911 N. ELM, SUITE 230, HINSDALE, IL 60521
Why Our Patients Love Lumineers
August 19, 2014

Lumineers are more than just a dental treatment – they’re a way of life. These specialized ceramic veneers effect a wide range of changes to carry patients toward their ideal smiles. What will Lumineers do for you? You won’t know the answer until you’ve undergone a consultation with your cosmetic dentist. But in the meantime, we’d […]

What Makes Lumineers So Special?
August 4, 2014

Before they were a wildly popular band, Lumineers were something else entirely: a dental restoration. Porcelain veneers have been around for decades, but they haven’t always been the veneer of choice. Standard porcelain veneers can require more removal of natural tooth structure to fit in place, leaving patients with altered teeth and irreversible changes. Denmat […]


Are you staying current on what’s best for your teeth? If not, don’t worry – that’s what your dentists are here for! The dental world is constantly evolving, with emerging research changing the way we treat our teeth. Making subtle tweaks here and there will help you build the best possible oral health. While not every […]


Dental news alert! (Our favorite kind of alert, of course). This past week, a Harvard team found that they could trigger tooth growth with a low-intensity laser. This has implications for so many types of dental problems – although teeth are the hardest part of the human body, they don’t self-renew the way other tissues […]

Reclaim Your Life from Dental Anxiety
May 8, 2014

Dreading your next dental appointment? Imagine a life in which you don’t feel unhappy or anxious when there’s a procedure on the books. Relieving your fear of the dentist will result in long-term benefits for your oral health and your overall well-being. You have enough stress in your life – why not soothe it when […]

Replacement Teeth That Look Like The Real Thing
March 31, 2014

Dental work should never give itself away. Even when you’re doing something as dramatic as replacing missing teeth, your restorations should look entirely natural. In order to achieve dental work that looks like your own teeth, you’ll need to find a talented restorative dentist with an eye for aesthetics. Fortunately, Hinsdale Dentistry has three such professionals […]

How LUMINEERS Will Change Your Life
February 3, 2014

There are plenty of big claims about cosmetic dentistry being made on the Internet. We’re not trying to aggravate the problem – we’re just excited about the incredible capabilities of porcelain veneers. LUMINEERS are legitimately life-changing, in more ways than one. After remaking your smile with LUMINEERS, you’ll be amazed by the simplicity of the […]


    There are always ways to improve the patient experience. And as your dentists, we’re seeking out those comfort-enhancing tools and treatments. Laser dentistry has allowed us to take a big step forward. With a variety of dental lasers, we’re able to provide dental treatment that’s both anxiety-relieving and effective. Not only will your […]

Your Dental Care in 2014
January 7, 2014

It’s that time of the year again – you’re kicking your new year’s resolutions off to a start. Have they been successful so far? We don’t mean to add more to your yearly goals, but we’re hoping that you’ll make some room on the list for dental resolutions. We’ve compiled a few simple steps you […]

2013’s Blog Highlights
December 26, 2013

If you’ve been following our blog through the last year, we hope that you’ve gained something from what we’ve put forth. As you plan your New Year’s resolutions and decide what the next year of your life will be life, keep your teeth in mind! Revisiting a few of our blog posts will help. Below, […]

Reclaim Your Smile with Dental Implants
December 19, 2013

  Are you missing one or more teeth? Being in a less-than-ideal dental situation changes your life in immeasurable ways. You’re less sure of yourself. You struggle to perform the same daily activities. You can even feel like a less effective person overall. Dental implants will allow you to reclaim not just your smile, but […]

Whiter Teeth Form A Happier Smile
December 9, 2013

There have been plenty of studies about how physical features make an impact. And the results typically show that smiles are paramount. Our teeth are the first thing others notice about us – but that’s not the only reasons to work toward a beautiful smile. While others’ impressions are important, it’s the way we feel […]

LUMINEERS May Surprise You
December 3, 2013

We talk about LUMINEERS quite a bit here on our blog, but usually as the main tool behind a smile makeover. These remarkable porcelain veneers actually have a wider variety of applications than you may expect. Far from merely a means to a makeover end, LUMINEERS can change your face and even your oral health […]

Dental Bonding for a Same Day Smile
November 26, 2013

Whether your dental needs are functional or aesthetic, you’re always hoping for speedy treatment and immediately apparent results. While this isn’t always a possibility (though we wish it were!), there are certain treatments without fast payoffs. The impatient will rejoice in the advantages of dental bonding. This technique uses tooth-colored dental composite to add structure […]

Dental Lasers and Your Next Appointment
November 12, 2013

Our Hinsdale dental practice is committed to ensuring that your treatment is as comfortable as possible. We’re constantly researching and engaging in updated technologies and techniques, so that you’re receiving the highest level of modern dental care. The dental laser has advanced treatment more dramatically than many other emerging technologies. By improving on the ways […]

Getting the Most out of Your Cosmetic Dental Care
November 5, 2013

You want and deserve the best; this extends to your dental care. When you’ve decided that you may like to make some changes to your smile, that’s just the beginning of the process. Our Hinsdale team encourages you to look further into the possibilities of cosmetic dentistry. Engage with your dental treatment to ensure that […]

Dental Health For Kids, and How You Can Help
October 23, 2013

Your kids look up to you and depend on you in every way. When it comes to their oral health habits, this is especially important to remember. In all honesty, brushing and flossing aren’t exciting activities for children. There are hundreds (maybe even thousands) of other activities they’d rather be doing. But brushing and flossing […]

Bid Dental Anxiety Farewell
October 18, 2013

We don’t think it’s hyperbolic to say that dental anxiety can destroy lives. Consider the following case. When a patient is too afraid to visit the dentist, he misses out on regular dental checkups. Dental problems go unspotted and are allowed to take hold. As this individual begins to realize he has cavities, periodontal disease, […]

Invisalign: Hassle-Free Orthodontic Treatment
October 6, 2013

If you’ve ever considered straightening your teeth but have hesitated to pursue treatment, we’d love to talk to you about why you’ve put it off. We suspect your trepidation has something to do with the commitment that orthodontic treatment demands, and we’re ready to offer you something different. Alternative orthodontic treatment aims to straighten teeth […]

Embracing Family Dental Care
October 3, 2013

You love your family, and hope to spend as much time with them as possible. That wish can actually extend to many areas of your life, including your dental health. Engaging in dental care and oral hygiene with every member of your family leads to improved relationships and strong dental attitudes. When you show your […]

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